RADA Foundation

Our Mission:

  • To foster and advance the arts in Asheville’s River Arts District by supporting the efforts of the River Arts District Artists (RADA) organization.
  • To be a leader in providing progressive services to our members—from shared spaces, scholarship opportunities, to technical assistance programs for professional and emerging artists in the River Arts District.
  • Lead by three core programs: Scholarships, Space, and support RADA’s organizational operations.

Organizational Statement:

To foster and advance the arts in Asheville’s River Arts District by supporting the efforts of the River Arts District Artists (RADA) organization. To be a leader in providing progressive services to our member from shared spaces, scholarship opportunities, to technical assistance programs for professional and emerging artists in the River Arts District. Lead by three core programs: Scholarships, Space, and Support RADAs organizational operations.

Support the RADA Foundation Contact the RADA Foundation


Kimberly Self Hundertmark
Executive Director

Signe Ballew
Director of Operations


Allison Redmond

Pam Walls

Jeffrey Burroughs
RADA Membership Organization President

Kathryn Adams
Julie Bell
Michael Campbell
Jack Davis
Eric Shangle